Power64 is an emulator for the Commodore 64. It will allow you to run your favorite C64 software on your Power Macintosh at full speed with smooth graphics and great sound.
2.2 Installation and Registration
There is no special installation procedure necessary to enjoy Power64. Just copy it to a convenient location on your hard disk and run it. It is not necessary to obtain any extra files (such as System ROM images); everything is included in the Power64 application file. Still, you should remember that you need to register your copy of Power64 if you want to play more than 10 minutes at once. Since you've already sent your registration fee as described in the previous section (You have sent it, haven't you?), you should now start Power64. It will automatically display the about dialog (If you've already dismissed it, select "About Power64" from the Apple menu). Now click on the Register button, and enter your name and registration number exactly as stated on your registration email/postcard. Hint: Use Cut & Paste to avoid typos.
2.3 Using the Demo Programs
1) Unless you already have an emulator window open, select File/New (Cmd-N) to open a new emulator window.
2) Select the program you want to test from the Programs menu.SMON and NEW Magician are tools, that are useful to have handy when hacking C64 programs. For more fun choose one of the action games: Block Out, Serpentine (with nice sound) or twist your brain with Quadromania. For a detailed description of these games see section 7.
3) Power64 will display the command necessary to run the program. Press <Enter> to confirm.
4) Enjoy!
2.4 Running a Game from a Disk Image (*.D64, *.X64) File
1) Unless you already have an emulator window open, select File/New (Cmd-N) to open a new emulator window.
2) Select Devices/Disk Drive #8/Insert Floppy Disk (Cmd-D). A file selector dialog will come up asking you for the *.D64 or *.X64 file. You can now choose a plain *.D64 or *.X64 file, or select a (ZIP, GZ or LHA) compressed file, that contains a *.D64 or *.X64 file. There is no need to manually decompress a ZIP, GZ or LHA file.
3) The directory of the selected disk image will be listed in a new window.
4) Double-click on the game you want to play. Power64 will execute the commands LOAD"My favorite Game",8,1 and RUN
5) Enjoy!
The above procedure assumes that you are using the default options. If you have modified the Device Options (Options/Device Options), the directory window might not open automatically. Also a different command can be selected at this option dialog.
If you want a more C64 like feeling (a mouse and clicking on things is not really C64 like) you can also pursue the following, more traditional approach:
3a) Type: LOAD"$",8 <Enter>
Power64 will load the directory of the disk.
4a) Type: LIST <Enter>
Power64 will show the name and size (in Blocks of 254 Byte) of all files on the disk.
5a) Select your favorite game from the list displayed and type: LOAD"My favorite Game",8 <Enter>
Note: You do not need to type out the entire filename. You can type only the first few characters and use the wild card '*' to indicate that the first file whose name begins with these characters is to be loaded.
You can use LOAD"*",8 <Enter> to load the first file on a disk.
6a) Type: RUN <Enter>
7a) Enjoy!
Usually Power64 uses a very fast, but not 100% accurate method to access the disk. Some games, that need to fetch additional data from the disk after loading, do not rely on the C64-ROM routines to access the disk, but directly access the hardware to boost the floppy performance. These games will fail to load with this fast methods of floppy access. To run these games it is necessary to select Devices/Disk Drive#8/Complete 1541 Floppy Emulation BEFORE loading the game. This drastically improves compatibility, but unfortunately also faithfully emulates the poor performance for the original 1541 disk drive. See chapter 5.7 for more details on this topic.
2.5 Running a Game from a ZipCoded (1!, 2!, ...) Disk Image
ZipCode is an alternative to D64 and X64. A ZipCoded Disk Image consists of 4-5 parts, each covering a certain stripe of the disk. To mount such a disk image, proceed just as if you were mounting a D64 image, and select any ONE (not all 4-5) segment in the file selector dialog. Power64 will automatically load the other parts of the disk image. Once the ZipCoded disk image is mounted, it can be used just like a D64 image.
Power64 supports ZipCoded Disks images that have been compressed using ZIP, GZ or LHA. The 4-5 segments of a ZipCoded Disk image can be contained in a single ZIP/LHA file, or each be separate ZIP/GZ/LHA files. Please note, that a single GZ compressed *.D64 disk image requires less disk space, than a single ZIP file containing the 4-5 segments, which in turn is smaller that 4-5 ZIP files containing a single segment of a ZipCoded disk each. Thus using ZIP/GZ compressed ZipCoded Disk Image is not a smart choice for a file format.
2.6 Running a Game from the Hard Disk (*.C64/*.CBM or *.P00) File
1) Unless you already have an emulator window open, select File/New (Cmd-N) to open a new emulator window.
2) Select Devices/Disk Drive #8/Attach Hard Disk (Cmd-H). A folder selector dialog will come up asking you for the folder on your Mac hard disk where you keep your *.C64/*.CBM or *.P00 files.
3) The directory of the selected folder will be listed in a new window.
4) Double-click on the game you want to play. Power64 will execute the commands LOAD"My favorite Game",8,1 and RUN.
You can also select a ZIP, GZ or LHA compressed file. Power64 will automatically decompress the game before loading.
5) Enjoy!
Similar the the note in section 2.4 this assumes standard options. The traditional way, explained there is also usable for Hard Disks. If the (Macintosh) file name ends in .C64 or .P00 then it is not necessary to type this extension when specifying the file to load.
2.7 Running a Game from a Tape Image (*.T64) or Lynx File
Power64 can mount tapes both on a disk drive or on a tape drive. As some games will not work when run from the tape drive, Power64 will by default (i.e. via Cmd-T) mount tapes to a disk drive #8. This behavior can can be modified in the Options/Disk & Tape Drives dialog. Furthermore it is always possible to select the Mount Tape Command from a specific Device Submenu to state the desired disk or tape drive.
1) Unless you already have an emulator window open, select File/New (Cmd-N) to open a new emulator window.
2) Select Devices/Disk Drive #8/Mount Tape/Lynx (Cmd-T). A file selector dialog will come up asking you for the *.T64 or Lynx file. You can now choose a plain *.T64 or *.Lynx file, or select a (ZIP, GZ or LHA) compressed file, that contains a *.T64 or *.Lynx file. There is no need to manually decompress a ZIP, GZ or LHA file.
2a) If you want to mount the tape on the tape drive, select Devices/Tape Drive/Mount Tape instead of the above Devices/Disk Drive #8/Mount Tape/Lynx.
3) The directory of the selected tape image will be listed in a new window.
4) Double-click on the game you want to play. Power64 will execute the commands LOAD"My favorite Game",8,1 (or LOAD"My favorite Game",1 if you opted for the tape drive) or and RUN.
5) Enjoy!
Similar the the note in section 2.4 this assumes standard options. The traditional way, explained there is also usable for Tape Images and Lynx files. Please note that the tape drive does NOT permit the use of explicit wild cards. The first file where the requested filename matches the beginning of the filename will be loaded.
Note: Unfortunately, there is no standard RAM image format among C64 emulators. Thus it is likely that RAM Images created with Commodore 64 emulators other than Power64 will not work properly with Power64. A warning message will be displayed when Power64 discovers that the RAM image was created by a different emulator. Power64 is not able to load RAM Images created with Frodo.
Note also that loading a RAM image only restores the RAM, the I/O Area and the CPU-registers. It does NOT restore any options such as selected joysticks, or screen refresh rates.
2.9 General Hints on Game Controls
Once a game is successfully loaded and started it will usually display some kind of intro- screen. To start the actual game you usually have to press a key on the keyboard or press the joystick fire button. Which key must be pressed depends on the game you want to play. Usually it is one of the following: Space, Return, F1, F7 (or F3, F5).
The original C64 featured two joystick ports. Some games can only be controlled using a joystick in port 2, others require port 1 and some can be played with a joystick in any port. Usually the only way to tell the correct port is trial and error. By default Power64 uses the keys 4568-0 of the numeric keypad to simulate a joystick in port 2. (see 5.5 Joystick for ways to modify this). If this is not the correct setting for your game, press Cmd-J to switch to a joystick (using the same keys) in port 1.
Power64 also supports ADB and USB-joysticks connected to the Macintosh. To accommodate a large variety of joysticks without the need to write dozens of device specific drivers Power64 uses Input Sprocket to access the ADB/USB-joystick. Input Sprocket is part of current MacOS versions. For old versions of MacOS, it is available as free system extension available from Apple as part of the Game Sprocket package and sets the new standard for accessing joysticks. See chapter 5.5 (Joysticks) for more details.
2.10 Troubleshooting
Here are some common problems explained in Question and Answer form:
Q: Could you please send me a copy of my favorite game XYZ?
A: No! I do not distribute games to play with Power64! Check out section 3 of this document for FTP sites that have all the games that your heart might desire.
Q: My favorite game fails to load or the message 'COMMAND (XYZ) NOT EMULATED' appears in the bottom line of the disk directory window. What can I does that mean and what can I about it?
A: Power64 usually uses a disk emulation that is tuned for speed rather that optimal compatibility. If it encounters a command that it can not handle it displays the 'COMMAND (XYZ) NOT EMULATED' message (It is possible that this message is not visible if the game loader read the error message and thereby resets it to OK). You can choose a better, but slower disk emulation by selecting Devices/Disk Drive #8/ Complete Floppy 1541 Emulation. The disk emulation mode must be chosen BEFORE you start loading the game. Drawback: Complete Floppy Emulation is slow. It will take several minutes to load a game.
Q: What do those number in the top/right corner mean?
A: The first number (x.xxMHz) indicates the speed of the virtual M6510 CPU of the emulated Commodore 64. Its value should be 0.98 for PAL-mode (preferred) or 1.02 for NTSC-mode. The second number (yy%) indicates how busy the Macintosh CPU is. When this number approaches (or even exceeds) 100% you will get bumpy motion and wailing sound.
In the second line you can see the frame rate of Power64. The first number gives the number of frame redraws/second and the second number tells how often the screen is recomputed (e.g. for sprite collision checks). The number in parentheses shows how often the screen would be redrawn on a real C64 (50 for PAL-mode, 60 for NTSC)
Q: My Macintosh CPU is loaded more then 100%! What can I do to reduce the load?
A: Use the Options/Emulator Speed dialog. There you will find two pull down items: One for Frames per Computed Screen and one labeled Frames per Screen Redraw. Power64 maintains the screen in two steps. In a first step it creates an image of the C64 screen in an internal buffer (as a byproduct of this computation Power64 also checks for sprite collisions). This image is compared to the one last computed and only if a change is detected then the changed parts are copied to the Macintosh screen in a second step.
If you set Frames per Computed Screen and/or Frames per Screen Redraw to Automatic Power64 will adjust this parameter so that the Mac CPU is loaded to about 90% (or less if your Mac is very fast). Some games require very precise sprite collision information. To run these (rare) games, you might want to set Frame per Computed Screen to 1:1 and Frames per Screen Redraw to Auto.
ΓÇó Check that Accelerated Drawing is enabled in the Options/Video Setup dialog. Disabling accelerated drawing should only be necessary for exotic video hardware.
ΓÇó Use a single-size window (click on the window zoom box to toggle between single and double sized windows)
ΓÇó Use a video mode with 256 colors
ΓÇó If you use several monitors place the emulator window completely on one screen; Do not place it on the edge between two monitors
ΓÇó Don't use background applications (printer spooling etc.)
ΓÇó Turn off Balloon Help
ΓÇó Turn off 'Display Folder Size' in the Display Control Panel
ΓÇó Disable the Sound if your favorite game does not play a tune. Use Options/Sound Emulations/Mute - Don't just set the volume to 0! At volume zero the sound is still computed, just not played while with the mute setting no sound is computed.
ΓÇó Get a faster Macintosh
With these tricks it should be possible to get any Power64 program to run at 100% original speed on even the slowest Power Macintosh.
Q: I get jerky screen movements even so my Macintosh CPU is only lightly loaded.
A: Maybe you have overdone speed improvement. Make sure that both Frames per Computed Screen and Frames per Screen Redraw are set Auto (recommended) or to less than 3:1 in the Options/Emulator Speed dialog. Check also the answer to the previous question.
Q: Every few seconds, the emulation freezes for an instant and the hard disk comes to live.
A: Probably you have activated the Finder feature 'Display folder size' in the Display control panel. The folder size is recomputed in the background by MacOS. During these recomputations the emulation is frozen (only an instant for small folders, noticeably longer for large ones).
Q: It takes forever to select a menu item with the mouse. Commands from the keyboard are registered only after a very long time.
A: The C64 is in a high stress (lots of moving graphics, sampled sound, complete Floppy 1541 emulation) situation, and the Macintosh CPU eases its load by only rarely checking the keyboard. Press the Command key to force a more frequent sampling of the keyboard and mouse activity.
Q: When I press Cmd-K to reset the emulated C64 it does not reset, but restarts the current game or just dies.
A: You have been playing a reset-protected game. To force a complete reset press Option-Cmd-K. This will circumvent the reset protection.
Q: Is there a newer version of Power64?
A: Power64 2.5.1 has been released in September 1999. A newer version might be available on the official Power64 Homepage:
Q: I would like to have feature XYZ added to Power64.
A: Send me an Email: rlieger@kagi.com
Q: I have a different question!
A: Have you read the manual completely and not found an answer?
Q: I have read the manual from top to bottom and I still have a question!
A: Send it to me (via Email: rlieger@kagi.com) and I will attempt to answer it. Please describe your problem as detailed as possible. Here are some hints as to what information you should include with your question:
ΓÇó What version of Power64 do you use? Have you checked the Power64 homepage to see if a newer version is available that fixes your problem?
ΓÇó What type of Mac do you use? What is your MacOS Version? Are there any unusual hardware or software extensions?
ΓÇó Have you tried booting your Mac without System Extensions? Did it help? Have you been able to determine which Extension is making trouble with Power64? Even if you managed to solve your problem by eliminating that Extension, please tell me that there is a problem that I should fix.
ΓÇó Try starting Power64 with the Control-key pressed. This disables various 'potentially harmful', non-essential features (e.g. access to ADB/USB-joysticks, printers (and their drivers), automatic opening an emulator window) of Power64. Did this cure your problem? Please let me know that there is a problem even if you managed to solve it!
ΓÇó What precisely did you do to cause the problem (Step-by-Step)? Can you reproduce the problem? (Always? Sometimes? Only at an odd chance? Never?) Can you reproduce it at your friends machine?
ΓÇó If Power64 crashes on you please state how severe the crash was. (The C64-game does not respond any more, but the emulator window kept on working (look at the CPU Load indicator!) - One Power64 window crashed, but the rest of Power64 still works -
Power64 crashes but you can still work with other Macintosh applications - The Mac comes to a complete stop and a reset is necessary.)
ΓÇó If the problem is related to a specific game? - Where did you obtain that game? Have you tried a different source? I am not familiar with all games. If a game has problem with Power64 let me know; If you have a problem with a game (Where is item ABC in adventure XYZ? What is the best strategy to get rid of the bad guys in the shoot-'em-up XYZ?) please do NOT write to me - I lack the time to solve such puzzles.
Note: I will do not distribute C64 games to play with Power64! Check out the FTP-servers listed in section 3.
2.11 Future of Power64
Development of Power64 still continues. Features planned for the next releases include:
ΓÇó Accelerated drawing for screens with millions of colors
Please feel free to tell me about any additional features that you consider important. (Email: rlieger@kagi.com)
2.12 Version History
Version 2.5.1: (September 1999)
ΓÇó The interface to reSID has been rewritten from scratch. In Power64 2.5 reSID was called via a shared Library, which I consider to be sufficiently separate from Power64 to comply with the GNU GPL. Unfortunately Ettore Perazzoli from the VICE-team insists that this is not distinct enough. While we have never been finally settled which opinion is actually right, I have chosen to avoid further conflict, and have written a completely new interface for reSID. reSID is now a truly stand alone application, that runs as a separate task, and communicates with Power64 only via Apple Events and shared memory. This should satisfy even the most stringent definition of separate work.
ΓÇó reSID is now reset together with the C64.
ΓÇó Totally reworked Sound Options Dialog.
ΓÇó Added Sound Sample Rate can now be selected (44.100, 22.050 or 11.025 kHz).
ΓÇó Comments in AIFF-Files have been extended. They now denote the Sound Quality, Duration, Creator etc.
ΓÇó Fixed Sound Bugs - The C64 became faster, when Samples were played.
ΓÇó Added support for a 1351 Mouse. Works fine with GEOS.
ΓÇó The support for the Lightpen has been improved and calibrated. It now works great with Blazing Paddles.
ΓÇó Added Turbo Boost Mode to speed up Power64 during long LOADs (or if the chess program is thinking too long), without sacrificing compatibility.
ΓÇó Added choice of Color Lookup Tables. Many people have complained, that the colors are all wrong. Now there is a choice of ten lookup tables.
ΓÇó Added Cheat Mode - Sprite Collision detection can be turned on/off. This can be done separately for each sprite and sprite/sprite and sprite/background collisions, so it should be flexible enough for most games.
ΓÇó Drag & Drop can now be used to create copies of a file on the same disk/tape image (press Option during the drag).
ΓÇó Disk and Tape Images can now be write-protected/-enabled by clicking the lock icon in the directory window. If the original image can not be written back, a prompt for a new destination will be show when unmounting.
ΓÇó Disk and Tape Images can now be unmounted without saving changes back to file.
ΓÇó Improved support for SEQ-Files on hard disk. SEQ Files now have their own Type/Creator and are properly labeled in the directory.
ΓÇó The single step mode of the debugger now supports a possiblity to quickly recycle the last 'tl' command.
ΓÇó The memory dump commands of the monitor now offer more flexible control. The memory address can be increase or decreased by one line or one Byte using the cursor keys.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in the sprite collision code, that sometimes reported spurious collisions of sprites outside the screen.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug, that caused Power64 to crash when loading RAM images that contained a REU.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug, that caused Power64 to crash when files where copied between disk drive using drag & drop.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug, that caused tapes that were newly created in disk drives not to be properly written back.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug, that caused broken zoomed windows on screens with illions of colors.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug, in NEW Magician. Restored programs used to be 1 Byte to large.
ΓÇó Support for USB joysticks is now documented. While it has been implemented for many releases, many people wondered if the term 'ADB joysticks' excludes USB.
ΓÇó The secure mode of Power64 can now be activated by holding the Control key when starting Power64 (used to be Option - Conflict: Holding down Option while starting a program is used by the Finder to close the window after starting the program!)
Version 2.5: (August 1999)
ΓÇó Added a CPU Cycle exact Timing Mode. With this option CPU and VIC Timing is much more precise. In particular the VIC now steals the correct (and not just the correct number of) cycles from the CPU. Necessary for tricks like using sprites to achieve raster synchronization.
ΓÇó Serious improvements to the CIA timing. Emulation is now much more precise. This was necessary for the Electronic Arts Fastloader (Legacy of the Ancients, Marble Madness...)
Together these two improvements lead to a serious general increase in compatibility.
ΓÇó Added interface to reSID Sound Emulation library. This provides better SID emulation at an extreme increase of CPU Load (200MHz+ Macintosh required). Due to license problems the reSID Library is not included with Power64. It can be downloaded separately, free of charge, from the Power64 homepage.
ΓÇó Shadow Registers for CIA-Time of Day Clock now work correctly
ΓÇó Added support for LHA-archives
ΓÇó T64 and Lynx files can now mounted on disk drives by default. This should avoid some confusion that was caused by software that refused to load from drive #1.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug that caused Power64 to crash after the M6502 of a floppy drive ran into an illegal instruction.
Version 2.4: (June 1999)
ΓÇó Added a High Precision Video Mode. It offers almost cycle exact emulation making tricks like open left/right borders etc. possible.
Furthermore many games that used to flicker in some places are now perfectly stable. This gives a significant boost in compatibility.
ΓÇó Added Drag & Drop support. Files can now be copied between D64-disk images, T64-tape images and the harddisk by simply dragging and dropping. Also files can be renamed by clicking on their name, and just typing the new name. To delete a file, just drag it to the garbage. Handling C64 files is just as easy as handling MacOS files with the Finder.
ΓÇó Added Text Drag & Drop. To copy information from/into an emulator window, just use drag & drop.
ΓÇó Shift-, Control-, Option- and Command- Keys are now available for joystick emulation. This is useful for PowerBook users, that don't have a numeric keypad.
ΓÇó Error information in D64 disk images, is now evaluated in true 1541 mode. This makes many games, that still have their copy protection (at least partially) in place usable with Power64.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in the full 1541 emulation code, giving a definite improvement in compatibility (Telarium Loaders, GEOS works)
ΓÇó Reworked the speed control code. This hopefully fixes the jerky movement experienced with some blue-white G3s.
ΓÇó Added variable image frame width option. This permits displaying a large frame around the central screen area for games that make excessive use of frame sprites (e.g. Mega Phoenix) while maintaining a slim outline for 'regular' software.
ΓÇó Added new commands to the built in Monitor: tl = Trace until a scanline has been reached; tq = Trace Quick for a certain number of statement; View VIC/SID/CIA/RAM state in easy-to-read format.
ΓÇó Added new keywords for the evaluation of expressions in the Monitor: Mem[] gets the contents of memory, Scanline evaluates to the current video scanline
ΓÇó Fixed a bug that caused a serious crash when a bad, or sometimes even valid Lynx file was mounted.
ΓÇó Improved keyboard navigation in directory windows. Typing the first few characters of a filename move the cursor to that file. Up to now only the first character was evaluated.
ΓÇó Printing the contents of the C64 screen now works correctly with selection even if the screen has been scaled.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug, that caused sprites on the left edge of the screen to have faulty sprite/background priority.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug that caused trouble with linked counters in the CIA.
ΓÇó Updated the FTP-links for game sites in the documentation
Version 2.2.1: (January 1999)
ΓÇó File type recognition is now much smarter for GZ/ZIP files, and now looks at the headers of the files inside a archive rather than just at its filenames (which are still evaluated for performance reasons).
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in the Joystick selection dialog, that caused the the fire button of joystick B to be forgotten.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in the Joystick selection dialog, that caused total failure to remember any changes when no C64 window was open.
ΓÇó Some people were confused about that the numbers above the regular keyboard do not work for the joysticks when numbers from the keypad were selected for joystick keys. The keys from the keypad are now prefixed 'Kpd.' in the joystick dialog to avoid this confusion.
Version 2.2: (December 1998)
ΓÇó Added support for GZ and ZIP files. This saves lots of space on the harddisks and makes CD-ROMs with ZIPed files much easier to use.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug, that caused the Mac to crash when a key was pressed in a Power64 dialog (usually Emulator Speed Joysticks)
ΓÇó Fixed a bug, that caused the Directory Window position to be forgotten after closing the window.
ΓÇó FileType detection for files that come without a suitable Type/Creator is now much smarter. It looks not only on the file name extension (as before), but also for magic headers and filesizes.
ΓÇó Tape (T64/Lynx) files on read-only Macintosh disks are now properly write protected.
ΓÇó Tape files can now also be mounted using the disk mounting dialog. This is useful, if you do not know what kind of file hides within a GZ/ZIP archive. The only distinction between 'Insert Floppy Disk' and 'Mount Tape/Lynx' now is that 'Insert Floppy Disk' will start the file selection dialog in the folder that the last disk image was selected from, while 'Mount Tape/Lynx' will start the selection from the previous tape image folder.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug that caused some tapes not to load properly when mounted on a disk drive.
ΓÇó Added basic Appearance Manager awareness.
ΓÇó Added function key F9 as a mapping of Clr/Home (necessary on PowerBooks that don't have a Home key).
ΓÇó Insert now works as Insert/Delete key also in Macintosh keyboard mode.
ΓÇó Fixed a minor bug, in the build-in monitor, that caused a wrong value to be displayed after an update to $0001
ΓÇó Change the Power64 program icons for nicer looks.
ΓÇó Fixed some typos in the documentation. There are more still sitting around :-)
Version 2.1.2: (September 1998)
ΓÇó GEOS finally works (at least sometimes)
ΓÇó Fixed a major bug in the Floppy Emulation - M-R now works for multiple bytes.
ΓÇó Fixed a minor bug in the Floppy Emulation ('Pirates' now works)
ΓÇó Added very simple SID-filters (all or nothing passes - needed for samples in Space Taxi)
ΓÇó Added a execute-single-line key for the trace-mode of the debugger.
ΓÇó Added documentation for SFX files.
Version 2.1.1: (May 1998)
ΓÇó Fixed some serious bug in ADB joystick code
ΓÇó Added a new C64 font ROM with fixed characters 101 and 103.
ΓÇó Added pictures on C64 keyboard layout
ΓÇó Added downloading tips to documentation
Version 2.1: (April 1998)
ΓÇó Fixed a serious bug in emulation speed control
ΓÇó Fixed a serious bug (Cut&Paste) that causes MacOS instability on some machines
ΓÇó Fixed two serious bug in the Floppy1541 emulation that caused the MacOS to crash with certain games.
ΓÇó Complete Floppy Emulation does no longer require CPU time, when the floppy does not perform any transfers
ΓÇó Fixed a stupid bug that caused the location of Tape images to be forgotten.
ΓÇó Added a Option for better Tape File Type fixing (All files on a tape image are PRG)
ΓÇó Mounting a Harddisk on every new C64 window is now optional.
ΓÇó The warning message for damaged T64 files can be turned off.
ΓÇó Added Support for ZipCoded disk image files
ΓÇó Power64 can now convert betweed D64, X64 and ZipCoded disk image files. T64 tape images can be converted to Lynx and back.
ΓÇó Added Trace Command to Monitor
ΓÇó Extended the Syntax of Monitor expressions (All values are now signed or unsigned.)
ΓÇó Added a Skip Every other Scanline Video feature
ΓÇó REU contents and Floppy RAM saved with RAM Snapshot
ΓÇó Fixed a minor bug in keyboard handling for US keyboards (rightarrow key)
ΓÇó Added Frames/Second information to CPU Load display
Version 2.0: (February 1998)
ΓÇó Fixed some bugs in the CPU (Bad Undocumented Opcodes, Timing Problems).
ΓÇó Added Full 1541 Floppy Emulation.
ΓÇó Added RAM Expansion support.
ΓÇó Floppy Reset 1541 on C64 reset
ΓÇó Added the possibility to create AIFF files of C64 sound
ΓÇó Added accelerated drawing on screens with thousands of colors (16 bit)
ΓÇó Support for tripple and quadruple size windows.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug at Emulator Speed / System Clock.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in accessing ColorRAM in the Macintosh side monitor/debugger.
ΓÇó Fixed some bugs around modifier keys and Menu shortcuts.
ΓÇó Reworked Floppy and Hard Disk Emulation.
ΓÇó Attached tape and disk images are now stored with an RAM image.
ΓÇó Dragging a Disk or Folder Icon on Power64 mounts it as C64 Harddisk.
ΓÇó Fixed an incompatibility in newly created disk images (New & Validate command).
ΓÇó Load is now much faster (about 25x faster than in Power64 1.5, 1000x faster than a real 1541 floppy disk)
ΓÇó Tape and Lynx Files can now also be mounted on drives #8-#11. (Some games expect that behavior)
ΓÇó Emulator window position is now remembered
ΓÇó Black frame is now also available for a second screen.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in the window dragging routine, that caused the outline not to be shown on a second screen.
ΓÇó Added a decent icon for the Read-Me file.
Version 1.5: (August 1997)
ΓÇó Added Macintosh side monitor/debugger.
ΓÇó Added Lynx file support.
ΓÇó Added Balloon Help.
ΓÇó Added online Registration info.
ΓÇó Support for 8-way keyboard joysticks
ΓÇó Added support for ADB joysticks via Input Sprocket.
ΓÇó Emulation can now also run in the background.
ΓÇó Extended Read-Me file with many more links.
ΓÇó Added "Are you sure?" dialogs for reset/close/quit.
ΓÇó Device and Monitor window position are now saved with the preferences.
ΓÇó Automatically adjusts file Type/Creator.
ΓÇó Added Internet awareness with Internet Config
ΓÇó Added Links for Netscape and Internet Explorer
ΓÇó Documentation now created with DocMaker
ΓÇó Added lots of links to game site in the Documentation